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Monday, September 16, 2019

How much energy does a solar system actually produce

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It all depends on how you have design a system firstly and weather . To get a good clarity we will calculate using optimum weather and climate area, which will give us an idea how much a electricity a solar system can produce. To make it a clear a generic idea we will calculate energy by using cost and benefit analysis.
Typically solar plates come in small 150 watt plates and big 300 watt plates. The 150 watt plate produces same current as 300 watt plate around 6 to 9 amperes (depending on quality of plate and sunlight), while it gives voltage of 12 to 20 Volts(depending on quality of plate and sunlight) volts while 300 watt plates gives 24 to 40 Volts(depending on quality of plate and sunlight). Lets now again talk about the wattage of the plates which is the power generation capability of the solar plates. The actual output of a 300 watt plate is usually 200 watt while 150 watt produces in good sunlight conditions 90 watts.
How much power is that? Lets have a look.
To produce 1 KiloWattHour(KWH) which is usually one unit of electricity in most billing systems, to calculate this we need to see how much time solar produces energy. In our supposed climate solar would start working after 7 o clock in the morning with one fourth power, at 8 o clock it will produce half of its power and at 9 o clock it will start producing it maximum power. In the evening, after 4 o clock a solar plates starts reducing power to half and after 5 o clock to one fourth. Simply that means we are having 8.5 hours of peak power input from solar plates. Now, A 300 watt solar plate is actually producing 200 watt. If we multiply it by the number of hours it is producing that power we will have the KWH of the plate. So 200 Watt x 8.5 = 1700 watt = 1.7 KWH
So One plate produces 1.7 Kwh in one day.
Now lets design a system first and then calculate its cost and return. Lets suppose we require that we run 5 fans, 20 lights and one 1 ton air conditioner. 6 fans would consume around (90 x 6 = 540 watts) while 20 lights would consume around (15 watt x 20 = 300 watt) , the 1 ton Ac will consume at peak 1300 Watts.
Now total requirement is 1360 watt + 450 watt + 300 watt = 2200 watt

The number of solar plates required can be found out by 2200/200 = Approx 11
Here we our peak requirement is 11 plates while we can put one extra plate as we need to charge the batteries constantly with plate while when other plates can charge on and off .
For 12 plates total power produces is 1.7 KWH x 12 = 20.4 KWH
That is the maximum power you can save by this system per day. Let us presume this power for 8 months and half of it for 4 months.
Now total power saved for the year would be 20.4 KWH(Power produced in a day) x 30(# of days in a month) x 10(number of peak months) = 6150 KWH Produced in a Year

The Least KWH Tarrif(price) that power companies charge around the world is  more than 0.1 $
Now on that presumption that power cost is 0.1$ we can find out maximum possible power money that can be saved
So, 6150 KWH x 0.15 $/KWH = 922 $ Per year
Now lets calculate the cost to get the return time. One 300 watt plate cost around 90$, So 12 plates would cost 1180$. These plates would require 5 KW Inverter(converts DC Solar power to AC power)
which could typically cost around 350$. The wire required can cost around 150 $. Other misc things like circuit breakers would cost around 80$ while labour may cost atleast 100$.
So if you add, 1180$ + 350$ + 150$ + 80$ + 100$ = 1860$ Lets take the 2000$ figure for over all project cost.
To know how much time it takes to get our money back and start getting the profit,
we need to divide the overall cost of 2000 $ by 922$ equals 2.2 Years.

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